Bellano, Lake Como

Castelli family, circa 1930
Emilio Castelli moved to Sonoma County from his native home on Italy's Lake Como in 1995...
Wine has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember... like many Italians my earliest memories are of raucous family dinners. I remember my father and uncles arguing over which wines they were drinking, and as the corks began to fly and the army of empty soldiers grew on the dinner table, so the discussions became more lively.
During WWII my grandfather's villa in the city of Como was ransacked by Mussolini's band, and our family sought refuge in a small village across the lake. The family managed to bring with them many bottles from the home cellar - a treasure trove of reds - mostly from Piemonte, Valtellina and Burgundy, some made by my grandfather Emilio. The wine was stashed away in our new home in Bellano, labels faded and peeling, but the contents quietly improving with the years.
This was before my time, and years after my grandfather had passed, a bottle from that collection would be ceremoniously opened from time to time and the men would begin their round-table guessing game as to the wine's origin and how well it had aged.
Perhaps because of these early impressions, for me wine has always had a sense of mystery, passion, remembrance, and the joy of being together. I love living in Sonoma County and my family and I are firmly committed to this land. Through our wines, we hope to offer a clear window on the beauty that this place has to offer and bring joy to your table year after year.